Life is getting better

13th June 2013

I've been so hesitate of plenty assignments and  much fun activities in university and in faculty,  FIB (Faculty of Humane Sciences). Therefore my blog has been neglected in so long due to my studies.

University thingy always be so exciting for me: these new places, new insane friends, awesome teachers, a bunch of new events, and absolutely new stories.  
The differences are quite noticeable since I go to this university in Depok (Universitas Indonesia). One thing is about the scenery: i can watch a mountain (even it covered in pollution) and a lot of trees along the way. This scenery i couldn't get when i live in Jakarta and on my way to Kindergarten until High School. All i got were boring buildings, mall, irritating pollution, and too much vehicles.

I got a lot of fun in university, but i got a whole lot more assignments. Therefore I'm jaded often. So, on week-end i take a train to come to Bogor Botanical Garden. This place is chosen because first it's not far away from my university,  i can watch a plenty of robust trees over there, feel the fresh air, listen to melody from birds, and serenity.

 This is how Mother Earth treats me
lovely backyard 

"Monologue Inggit Ganarsih" 
This monologue theater was held in FIB UI. My interest in history helped me to not get bored for about 2 hours watching monologue by Happy Salma who roled as Inggit Ganarsih, the second wife of Indonesian founding father, Soekarno. I knew something new about this amazing woman and life lesson from Inggit as well: serve with sincerity. In the end of monologue, Salma got standing applause from the audience, included me.

It's a pity that there's no her name in my history books since elementary school, and my teachers in schools never mention her name when they were explaining about history of Indonesia.

She's a woman who gave her whole  life  for the greatest man and the founding father of Indonesia, Soekarno. She had been loving him in good and bad times, accompanying him everywhere, working hard (being a tailor, sold cigarettes, powder) to get money which for Soekarno's education finance and to buy their daily cost. Moreover, when Soekarno was in jail in Sukamiskin, Inggit walked  30 KM to bring him food. She did everything for Soekarno. But ... tragically, in Bengkulu Soekarno fell in love with another girl, Fatmawati. Therefore  he asked Inggit a permission to marry that girl. Inggit refused it and told him that she wont accept polygamy, it means she wanted him a divorce.

I believe that behind every great man there is a strong and a greater woman.


Unknown said...

Keren banget :D


Molly said...

Such cool photos. Thanks for sharing!

xo Molly

Elizabeth Titus Kartika said...

thank you :D

Casino SBOBET said...

bagus kak,,, sueeerrr...

Amang said...

Kapan update lg nih..hee

Amang said...

Kapan update lagi tuhhhhhh.

Febriani Farida said...

baguuuuussss (T_T)
selamat yaaa maba UI:)
btw minta followbacknya boleh? sudah kufollow hehe makasih

toko penjual ace maxs said...

keren banget pemandangan nya